International Digital Art Festival

Reclaim the city's screens as a space for digital art. Transform Bilbao into an open virtual gallery, where the avant-garde of art is visible to all.

What is Bideotikan?

In the streets of Bilbao, in its avenues, in its underground tunnels, there are more and more screens. The same thing happens in many cities. 

Bideotikan proposes to recover these screens as a space for video art, transforming Bilbao into an open virtual gallery, where the avant-garde of art is visible to everyone and where an intelligent and playful dialogue is established with citizens, tourists and walkers through of art and suggestive audiovisual projects.  

With short multimedia clips projected on urban screens, Bideotikan seeks to offer artists from all over the world an alternative space to share their works, regardless of the algorithm wars and the limitations of social networks. We want everyone to look up from the mini-screens of their smartphones, to enjoy these works in a larger format and within a shared urban setting.

Digital Art

From Develop Association there will be a selection of international digital artists who, currently, through complex and powerful video editing tools (After Effects, Blender, Cinema 4D, etc.), explore creative styles that fuse the everyday with surreal narrative forms. Each of these clips becomes a collage in which the ordinary becomes extraordinary and reality is twisted with elegance. 


The new creative economy

These video artists and 3D motion designers belong to a new generation of creatives born with the rising wave of cryptoart. Many of them have started their careers simply by playing with audiovisual tools and making small experimental clips that they published through social networks. 

These short experimental games, transformed into NFT, have become pieces of art worth thousands of euros  within the context of the cryptocurrency. 

The cryptoart, or NFT Art, is bitcoin in the form of art.

It is the literal combination of art, technology and currency. It is a digital aesthetic movement in which unique pieces are tokenized to create a non-fungible token (NFT), which represents the work of art. 

The NFT works as a certificate of authenticity that can be commercialized directly or through different online galleries indicating the possession of a specific piece of art. 

The concept is based on the idea of ​​“digital scarcity”, which allows you to sell, buy and monetize digital products as if they were physical goods. This system works thanks to the fact that, like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the cryptoart exists in limited quantity. 


· If you are an artist and want to exhibit your work.
· If you have a screen and would like to lend it for the exhibition.

Contact with us.