Bilbao 43.2627°
N 2.9253° O

International Digital Art Festival

Ismael Iglesias

Ismael Iglesias is a multidisciplinary artist, who has been able to build a plural work, with his own style. His proposals, halfway between the painting and the installation, of great visual effectiveness, come from the systematic search in the current technological media. Not so much with the purpose of capturing images to later transfer them to the canvas or screen, but to understand and accept their speed of articulation. This paradigmatic search for the essential, for the memory in different phases, through the systematic parceling, combines the achievements of the traditional pictorial avant-garde with the opaque luminescence of computer screens.


Activity carried out with the sponsorship of the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government and subsidized by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.


· If you are an artist and want to exhibit your work.
· If you have a screen and would like to lend it for the exhibition.

Contact with us.